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ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця


Новини, оголошення та події:

The schedule of the winter examination session of the 2022/2023 academic year

Dear students and teachers!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of the winter examination session of the 2022/2023 academic year.

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year masters spring recruitment

We draw your attention to the fact that the exams will be held online on the PNS website.

Please check access to the site and restore it in case of problems.

Currently, the issue of issuing final grades based on the results of the current control is being resolved.

We will publish additional information in the Telegram channel of the faculty.

Be attentive!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge!

❤️ Dear students, teachers and staff!
Congratulations on the day of knowledge! 📚
We wish you and your families peace, health and prosperity! 👌

The schedule of the second retake of the summer examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year

Dear students and teachers!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of the second retake of the summer examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year.

1 course       2 course        3 course       masters       spring admission

Final evaluations are issued based on the results of current control. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the teacher and get admission to the exam (minimum 35 points).

We will publish additional information in the Telegram channel of the faculty.

Be attentive!

Розклад перездач іспитів зимової екзаменаційної сесії 2021/2022 навчального року / Расписание пересдач экзаменов зимней экзаменационной сессии 2021/2022 учебного года / Schedule of re-examinations of the winter examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year

Dear teachers and students!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of retakes of exams for the winter examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year at the Faculty of Foreign Citizens Training.

To receive a general grade in the discipline, the student must be admitted and have a minimum of 35 points according to the results of the current academic performance.

Courses 1 and 2 will be examined in classrooms, senior courses and masters — remotely on the PNS website.

1 course

2 course

3 course

4 course


spring recruitment bachelors and masters

The second retake is scheduled for the period from 03/14/2022 to 03/14/2022.

The schedule is subject to change!

Be careful!

Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens

Розклад іспитів зимової екзаменаційної сесії 2021/2022 навчального року / Расписание экзаменов зимней экзаменационной сессии 2021/2022 учебного года / Exam schedule for the winter exam session of the 2021/2022 school year

Dear teachers and students!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of exams for the winter examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year at the faculty of training foreign citizens.

Please note that exams will not be displayed on the schedule site!
Years 1 and 2 will be examined in classrooms, senior courses and masters — remotely on the PNS website.

1 course

2 course

3 course

4 course


spring recruitment bachelors and masters

The retake schedule will be presented later: the first retake will take place from 01/24/2022 to 01/28/2022, the second retake from 03/14/2022 to 03/14/2022.

The schedule is subject to change!

Be careful!

Dean’s office of the faculty of training foreign citizens

Графік другої перездачі іспитів літньої екзаменаційної сесії 2020/2021 навчального року / График второй пересдачи экзаменов летней экзаменационной сессии 2020/2021 учебного года / The schedule of second retake exams for the summer examination session of the 2020/2021 academic year

Dear students!

We would like to inform you about the schedule of retake exams for the summer examination session of the 2020/2021 academic year.

1 course         2 course            3 course         masters                  spring recruitment

To participate in retaking exams, you must have admission (35 points). If the points are not enough, before the day of the retake of the exam, you need to contact the teacher and get admission. On the day of retake, you will have to work on the PNS website.

If there is a need for access to a computer and the Internet, You can come to the university in advance (before the time indicated in the schedule) and you will be provided with the necessary technical means. The exam results can be checked at the dean’s office (room 6).

Be careful!

Розклад занять / Расписание занятий / Timetable

Dear students!
We would like to inform you that from 01.09.2021 the training takes place according to the class schedule. Changes in the schedule may occur due to objective reasons related to compliance with quarantine restrictions. We ask you to constantly monitor the class schedule and receive information from the official information resources of the university and faculty.

Be carefull!

Візит випускника / Визит выпускника / Graduate visit

Our university was visited by a graduate of 1992 from Morocco Kaaushi Ahmed. He noted that the university gave him a lot of useful things, first of all, taught him to constantly learn and improve himself. He now owns a business in Florida. Mr. Ahmed was impressed by the development of the material base of the university and noted the achievements of Alma Mater in the scientific and educational fields.