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ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця


Новини, оголошення та події:

Elections of the head of the youth organization of the faculty

Elections for the head of the youth organization of the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens are announced If you want to be a student leader and develop student self-government at the faculty or university level, this is your chance!

We are waiting for your applications to the dean’s office at dekanatfs@hneu.net

The application must include: Name of the candidate; Position:

Head of Ministry of Education of the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens or Chairman of Ministry of Education of the University;

group cipher;

Contact (phone, e-mail);

Candidate’s program.

Application submission dates from 11/21/2023 to 11/26/2023.

Elections of the head of faculty self-government (Faculty Youth Organization) will be held on December 5, 2023!

The university is already waiting for its leaders!

Conference of students of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens

‼️The youth organization of the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens announces the holding of the Conference of Faculty Students!

🔖Agenda: 1️⃣ Report on the activity of the youth organization (student council) of the faculty for 2022/2023.

2️⃣ Approval of the composition of the election commission for the election of a new member of the Faculty’s Youth Organization (Student Council)

3️⃣ Current issues 🗓️Date: November 20, 2023. ⌚️ Time: 6:00 p.m. 🔗 By link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87256023000?pwd=cEJkMzg1NGwvUUNFVHNjd2N6YW50UT09 Conference

ID: 872 5602 3000

Access code: TSt0m74w

Elections of the head of the youth organization of the faculty

Elections for the head of the youth organization of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens are announced.

If you want to be a student leader and develop student self-government at the faculty or university level, this is your chance!

We are waiting for your applications to the dean’s office at dekanatfs@hneu.net

The application must include:

Name of the candidate;

Position: Head of Ministry of Education of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens or Chairman of Ministry of Education of the University;

Group cipher;

Contact (phone, e-mail);

Candidate’s program.

Application submission dates from 11/21/2023 to 11/26/2023.

Elections of the head of faculty self-government (Faculty Youth Organization) will be held on December 5, 2023!

The university is already waiting for its leaders!

Admission questionnaire

Dear students of the 1st year!

We ask you to answer the questions about the reasons for admission to Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, career orientation activities of our university and sources of information that you used. The survey is anonymous. Thank you for participating!



Dear graduate students!

We invite you to take part in the survey “Satisfaction with the quality of the educational program”.
Your opinion is very important to us and will help to improve the educational
program! Вe considered during the updating of educational programs. The survey
is anonymous. Thank you for participating!

The survey is conducted by the university’s education quality assurance department.
