Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics congratulates students and graduates from China on the Chinese New Year and wishes them peace, health, good luck and prosperity!
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics congratulates students and graduates from China on the Chinese New Year and wishes them peace, health, good luck and prosperity!
Dear students and teachers!
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of the second retake of the winter examination session of the 2024/2025 academic year.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year masters 072,073 masters 011,051
masters December 2023 intake spring intake
We draw your attention to the fact that the exams will be held online on the PNS website.
We ask you to check access to the website and restore it in case of problems.
Additional information will be published on the faculty’s Telegram channel or WhatsApp.
Be careful!
Dear students and teachers!
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of the first retake of the winter examination session of the 2024/2025 academic year.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year masters 072,073 masters 011,051 spring intake
We draw your attention to the fact that the exams will be held online on the PNS website.
We ask you to check access to the website and restore it in case of problems.
Additional information will be published on the faculty’s Telegram channel or WhatsApp.
Be careful!
Dear students, teachers and staff!
The staff of the Faculty of Foreign Citizens’ Training congratulates you on the New Year! We wish that your most cherished dreams come true, and the New Year will bring peace, health, luck and prosperity!
Dear students and teachers!
We invite you to familiarise yourself with the schedule of the winter examination session of the 2024/2025 academic year.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year masters spring intake
Please note that the exams will be held online on the PNS website.
Please check your access to the website and restore it in case of any problems.
Additional information will be published in the Faculty’s Whatsapp group and telegram channel.
Be careful!
Karimov Murad Rashad oglu – a student of the 4rd year of the specialty 073 Management, OP “Business Administration”
Dear graduate students!
We invite you to take part in the survey “Satisfaction with the quality of the educational program”. Your opinion is very important to us and will help to improve the educational program! Вe considered during the updating of educational programs. Thank you for participating!
The survey is anonymous. Since there are few foreign students in some educational programs, the results on the website will be published as a whole for the university.
The survey is conducted by the university’s education quality assurance department.
Time period: 23.10.2024-08.11.24
Link: https://forms.gle/M5jxgbY8b5DzJa7E7
Elections for the head of the Youth organization of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens are announced
If you want to be a student leader and develop student self-government at the faculty or university level, this is your chance!
We are waiting for your applications to the dean’s mail dekanatfs@hneu.net
The application must include:
Name of the candidate;
Position: Head of the Youth organization of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens or Head of the University Youth organization;
group cipher;
Contact (phone, e-mail);
Candidate’s program.
Application submission dates are from 10/22/2024 to 10/27/2024.
Elections of the head of faculty self-government (Faculty Youth Organization) will be held on November 5, 2024!
The university is already waiting for its leaders!
👩🎓 Dear our teachers, students, graduates, friends, everyone who has the honor of being familiar with our glorious university!
🎉Today is the birthday of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics!
🥇The current age of our university is 94 years from the time of its foundation, multiplied by the fate of everyone to whom Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics became Alma mater!
🏫Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics – these are countless lectures, seminars, exams, conferences, forums – these are thousands of graduates who, together with diplomas, received a ticket to life.
🥇This is a living record of persistent, inspired, creative work of teachers and students to recognize their role in society and these foundations were strong enough to withstand all the storms that swept over our land.
🎉Congratulating all of us, teachers, students, graduates, I want to thank you for the fact that in a difficult time, none of you left your place and became an example for everyone – an example of courage and devotion to your university, your city, your Ukraine!
Read more (https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBai23mNiz7/?igsh=MWk4eGk1NHE5bnhkOA==)
Happy Birthday, our dear! 💙💛