Savytska Larysa Volodymyrivna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans.
End date: 2000
Qualification: specialist, philologist, teacher of English, Russian language and literature. Honors degree.
Research interests: Methods of teaching foreign languages, interactive teaching methods, use of project activities in the educational process.
Educational work (teaching discipline):
- Business foreign language 1
- Fundamentals of scientific speech
- Foreign language 1
Number of scientific publications : Total number of scientific and methodical works: 69, among them: 1 monograph, 50 articles, 7 abstracts of conferences, 4 methodical recommendations. She did an internship abroad.
Main publications:
1. Savitskaya LV Zero Emotivenessin Business Communication // International Lettersof Socialand Humanistic Sciences. – Switzerland: SciPressLtd., 2015. – Vol. 65, pp. 47-50. – Accessmode: Online: 2015-12-18.
2. Savitskaya LV Modern changes in translation // Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical Conference «Modern scientific potential – 2017». – Volume 6: Philological sciences. – Sheffield: Science and education LTD, 2017. – P. 58-65.
3. Savitskaya LV Translation across academic cultures in communication studies // Materials of XIV international research and practice conference Cutting-Edge Science – 2018 April 30-May 7, 2018. – Volume 15. – Philological sciences, Physical culture and sport. – Science and Education Ltd .: Sheffield UK, 2018. – P. 24-27.
4. Savitskaya LV, Tarasenko SE Peculiarities of translation of English academic terms into Ukrainian // Linguistic researches: Collection of scientific works of KhNPU named after GS Frying pans. – Kharkiv, 2018. – Issue. 49. – P. 59–66.
Other professional activity: participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32, (add. 3-51)
Email: ,
Google Schlar:
Kolbina Tetyana Vasylivna

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky. End date: 1978
Specialty: philologist, teacher of German language and literature. Honors degree.
Scientific training:
1986-1988 – Kyiv State University. Taras Shevchenko (postgraduate), dissertation defense, candidate of philological sciences, specialty 10.02.04 – Germanic languages.
2004-2007 – Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
them. G.S. Frying pans (doctoral studies), dissertation defense, doctor of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.04 – “Theory and methods of vocational education”
Research interests: Formation of experience of intercultural communication by means of foreign languages, the problem of modernization of communicative training of future specialists at the university.
Educational work (teaching discipline):
- Practice of oral and written foreign speech
- Business Foreign Language
- Master’s program “Higher School Pedagogy”,
- “Educational, pedagogical sciences”. training of doctors of philosophy in the specialty 011
Number of scientific publications : Total number of scientific and educational-methodical: more than 190, among them: 6 monographs (2 – individual), 5 textbooks, 1 German-Russian economic dictionary, scientific articles in professional publications of Ukraine and abroad.
Main publications:
1. Modernization of communicative training of students at the university: monograph // Directions of modernization of socio-pedagogical system of training at the university: monograph / T.Yu. Andriyako, T.A. – Kherson: published by Vyshemirsky VS, 2017. – P. 16-59.
2. Formation of students’ experience of intercultural communication of students of higher educational institutions of economic profile // Fundamentals of modern pedagogy: monograph / Т.О. Дмитренко, К.В. Jaresko and others. – Kherson: PP Vyshemirsky VS, 2016. – P. 159-251.
3. Pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative potential of the individual // Development of the creative potential of the future specialist: monograph / Т.О. Дмитренко, К.В. Jaresko and others. – Kherson: PP Vyshemirsky VS, 2014. – P. 59-125.
4. Formation of students’ experience of intercultural communication based on the concept of personality-oriented learning: a monograph / V.S. Ponomarenko, GV Nazarova and others. // Formation of professional competencies in the information economy: monograph. – H. Type. KhNEU them. S. Kuznets, 2014. – P. 156-178.
- Practicum in the German language: a textbook for independent work of students / TV Kolbina, LV Melni-chenko. – H .: Ed. KhNEU, 2013. – 224 p.
2. About business in German: textbook. manual / TV Kolbina, LV Melnichenko. – H .: VD “INZHEK”, 2009. – 272 p.
1. Conceptual Grounds of Pedagogical Research of Cross-Cultural Communication Experience Formation of University Students // International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences. Switzerland: SciPress Ltd, 2016.– Vol. 66. PP. 123-128. 10.18052 / / ILSHS.66.123
2. Steuerungsmittel im kommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht / International Journal of Education and Science: Conference AbstractsEducation & Educational Research. – Kharkiv: Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health” (Ukraine), 2018. –Vol. 1, no. 3-4.
3. Communicative training of students on the basis of semiotic-situational approach / Scientific works of the Higher educational institution “Donetsk National Technical University”. Series: “Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology”. All-Ukrainian scientific collection. – №1 (22), 2018. – P. 76-81.
1. Foreign language of international business: texts and practical tasks for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) level. – Kharkiv: KhNEU named after S. Kuznets, 2017. – 54 p. (co-authored with DS Tsypina).
2. Intercultural communication in international business: texts and practical tasks for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) level. – H .: Type. KhNEU them. S. Kuznets, 2018. – 70 p.
3. Communicative-activity component of formation of experience of intercultural communication // Scientific works of DonNTU. Series: “Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology”. № 1 (22), 2018 – Pokrovsk: DonNTU Publishing House, 2018. – p. 13-18.
4. Some aspects of the translation of professional economic terminology (on the material of the French language) // Current issues of education and science: collection. Science. Art., materials IV International. scientific-practical conf. – H .: HOGOKZ, 2016. – P. 28-33.
5. The use of modern ICT as a stable trend in the development of the process of forming foreign language competence // Philological Collection: Sat. scientific articles. – Issue. 20. – H .: KhNPU im. GS Skovoroda, 2015.– P. 92-102.
6. The use of information and communication and distance learning technologies in the process of forming foreign language competence // Psychological and pedagogical problems of becoming a modern specialist: collection. Science. Art. – H .: KhNEU; HOGOKZ, 2014. – P.25-30.
– graduate students DS Tsypin, IB Yerastov-Mikhail, OO Oleksenko, VO Petrenko, LA Yevdokimova-Lysogor defended their dissertations and received a diploma of the degree of Candidate of Sciences,
– management of scientific training of graduate students: EL Khachatryan, OM Goncharova.
Other professional activities:
– Member of the editorial board of the scientific publication “Scientific Proceedings of the Higher Educational Institution” Donetsk National Technical University “. Series: “Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology”. The collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, which may publish the results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of pedagogical sciences (decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from June 26, 2014 and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 793 from 04.07 .2014).
– Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “ International Journal of Education and Science”. Certificate to registration: КВ 23568-13408 Р, 27.09.2018 by the Ministry of Justice in Ukraine. Digital object identifier: 10.26697 / ijеs.
– Head of state budget research on the topic: “Formation of experience in intercultural communication of future economists in the process of learning foreign languages” (2013-2018). Implemented in accordance with the plan of research work of Kharkiv National Economic University.
– Head of research work “Development of creative potential of future professionals in the system of higher professional education” (RK № 0115U001520), MES of Ukraine.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32, (add. 3-51)
Google Schlar:
Bezugla Iryna Valentynivna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Faculty of Retraining, majoring in Finance). End date: 2006
Qualification : finance specialist, retraining diploma.
– Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky, Faculty of Foreign Languages. Specialty: French language and literature. End date: 1995
Qualification : philologist, teacher of French language and literature, English, translator.
Research interests: Methods of teaching foreign languages, interactive teaching methods, formation of experience of intercultural communication by means of foreign languages
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language (for professional purposes),
● Second foreign language
● Business foreign language
● Foreign language of professional communication in international business
● French language
Total number of scientific and scientific-methodical works: 45, among them for the last 4 years: 7 publications (including in professional editions) and 7 scientific-methodical works.
Main publications:
1. Communicative-activity component of the formation of the experience of intercultural communication // Scientific works of DonNTU. Series: “Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology”. № 1 (22), 2018 – Pokrovsk: DonNTU Publishing House, 2018. – p. 13-18
2. Some aspects of the translation of professional economic terminology (on the material of the French language) // Current issues of education and science: collection. Science. Art., materials IV International. scientific-practical conf. – H .: HOGOKZ, 2016. – P. 28-33.
3. The use of modern ICT as a stable trend in the development of the process of forming foreign language competence // Philological Collection: Sat. scientific articles. – Issue. 20. – H .: KhNPU im. GS Skovoroda, 2015.– P. 92-102.
4. The use of information and communication and distance learning technologies in the process of forming foreign language competence // Psychological and pedagogical problems of becoming a modern specialist: collection. Science. Art. – H .: KhNEU; HOGOKZ, 2014. – P.25-30.
Other professional activities:
She has repeatedly completed internships in France (Paris, Lyon, Besançon, etc.) and participated in international seminars and conferences:
Center for Applied Linguistics (CLA), Franche-Comté University of Besançon (France, July 2015). Topic: Innovative methods of teaching French.
XIV World Congress of the International Federation of French Language Teachers (FIPF) in Liege (Belgium) – July 2016 (48 hours / certificate),
National Center for Distance Education (France) CNED PRO FLE: Professionnalisationen FLE (full course: 4 modules CNED certificates: February 2015, March 2015, August 2015, January 2016).
Teaches French in the French-Ukrainian master’s program of double diploma “Business Informatics”
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409,
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
E-mail: i ryna . b ezugla @ hneu . no
ORCID: 0000-0002-6285-2060
Google Scholar:—HtRsOGJSQ
Prosyanyk Oksana Petrovna

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans. Completion date: 1990
Qualification : teacher of Russian language and literature, French.
Research interests: History of linguistics, text linguistics, lexical semantics, language theory
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Practical course “Practice of oral and written foreign speech (French)”
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 70, including 4 monographs (2 – co-authored)
Main publications:
1. Prosyanyk OP Anthropocentrism as a philosophical and methodological basis of the concept of F. de Saussure // StudiaMethodologica. Issue 44, Summer 2017. S. 47–58. (0.96 um. Dr. Ark.).
2. Просяник О.П. Methodology of functional pragmatism as themerge of anthropocentrism and relationismus // Lingvistichnistudii / LinguisticStudies: zb. Science. works / Donetsk nat. Univ. Vasily Stus; Goal. ed. AP Zagnitko. Vinnytsia: DonNU named after Vasily Stus, 2018. Vip. 35. S. 9–13. (0.64 um. Dr. Ark.).
3. Просяник О. П. Lasocialisation etlaréception de la conception scientifique // The Peculiarity of Man. 2018. № 1 (27). Pp. 45–52.
4. Prosyanyk OP Ferdinand de Saussure: demythologization of the concept: monograph / OP Prosyanyk. Kharkiv: Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society, 2018 – 276 p. (15.6 um.dr.ark.).
5. Prosyanyk OP Scientific concept of F. de Saussure in the light of new autographic materials // Linguistics. 2018. № 5. S. 68–76.
Other professional activities:
Participation in 40 scientific conferences: on functional linguistics and text linguistics, in international scientific-methodological conferences within the framework of the permanent methodological symposium “Object and subject of humanitarian knowledge” (2003, 2006-2010, Ukraine), in international scientific conferences on linguistics of the text (2006, Lodz, Poland), on the philosophy of language and the world (2007 Ostruda, 2011 Kielce, Poland), on the methods of linguistic research (2010, 2018 Slavyansk), etc. Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal “The Peculiarity of Man” (Poland, 2012-2019) (profile-philology, political science, sociology).
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
ORCID : 0000-0001-6704-5391
Kobrynets Olga Stanislavivna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University
them. GS Frying pans. End date: 2001
Qualification : Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. French. Honors degree.
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans. Postgraduate study in the specialty 10.01.02 – Russian literature. Diploma of Candidate of Philological Sciences. End date: 2007
Research interests: modern methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages, interactive teaching methods, use of project activities in the educational process
Educational work (teaching discipline) :
● Business foreign language I
● Business foreign language II
● Intercultural communication in international business
● Foreign language of business communication in international business
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 56, including 20 individual articles in leading professional publications approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, registered in international catalogs of periodicals and included in international scientometric databases; 9 reference editions, 13 textbooks and thematic manuals, 3 methodical manuals and 2 work programs. She took part in 11 scientific conferences
Main publications:
1. Kobrinets OS French grammar: training exercises and texts with a red card (Language trainer). – Москва: Эксмо, 2016. – 144 с.
2. Kobrinets OS French in 15 minutes. Beginner level (Pocket tutorial) + CD. – Москва: Эксмо, 2015. – 320 с.
3. Kobrinets OS French without problems for continuing = Une tasse de français (Foreign for a cup of coffee) + CD. – Москва: Эксмо, 2014. – 608 с.
4. Kobrinets OS French without problems for beginners (Foreign for a cup of coffee) + 1 CD-Rom. – Москва: Эксмо, 2013. – 320 с.
5. Kobrinets OS French without problems for the advanced: Unetassedefrançais: LadouceFrance (Foreign for a cup of coffee) + 1 CD-Rom. – Москва: Эксмо, 2013. – 608 с.
1. Kobrinets OS Desktop French directory (Foreign language directories). – Москва: Эксмо, 2014. – 208с.
2. Kobrinets OS All basic French vocabulary. Handbook in the form of memory cards (Handbooks on foreign languages). – Москва: Эксмо, 2014. – 208 с.
3. Kobrinets OS Russian-French phrasebook for practical people (Phrasebooks for practical people). – Москва: Эксмо, 2013. – 288с.
4. Kobrinets OS Russian-French phrasebook (Word in your pocket). – Москва: Эксмо, 2012. – 320 с.
5. Kobrinets OS Universal Russian-French phrasebook. – Москва: Эксмо, 2012. – 224 с.
1. Kobrinets OS On the problem of parody classification // Scientific notes of KhNPU named after GS Skovoroda. Literary Studies. – Kyiv, 2018. – Issue. 3-4 (89-90). – P.72–87.
2. Kobrinets OS On the problem of determining the genre of parody // Scientific notes of KhNPU named after GS Skovoroda. Literary Studies. – Kharkiv, 2018. – Issue. 2 (88). – P. 60–71.
3. Kobrinets OS Mikhail Burbonov’s satirical mask in the works of Dmitry Minaev // Scientific notes of KhNPU named after GS Skovoroda. Literary Studies. – Kharkiv, 2016. – Issue. 2 (84). – P.32–47
4. Kobrynets OS Les stédés stylistiques de la création de l’argot français (Stylistic methods of creating the French slang) // Collection of scientific works of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. G.S. Frying pans. Linguistic research. – Х: ХНПУ, 2013. – Вип. 36. – P. 195–200.
5. Kobrynets OS On the problem of studying frangle in the French language // Studia metho¬dologica. Collection of scientific works. – Ternopil: TNPU, 2013. – Issue. 35. – P. 221–225.
1. Foreign language I (French) [Electronic resource]: tests and grammar tasks for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) level / way. OS Kobrynets. – Kharkiv: KhNEU named after S. Kuznets, 2019. – 58 p. (Ukrainian language, French language)
2. Practical tasks for the translation of economic texts in the discipline “Workshop on the translation of texts in business” for students of all forms of education / style. OS Kobrynets. – H .: KhNEU them. S. Kuznets, 2016. – 48p. (Ukrainian language, French language)
Other professional activities:
Since 2014, a founding member of the Administrative Council of the French Alliance in Kharkiv.
She has repeatedly held internships abroad.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-81, 3-83)
ORCID : 0000-0002-0704-3682
Prus Natalia Alekseevna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans. End date: 2002
Qualification : specialist in pedagogical education, teacher of French and Spanish. Honors degree.
Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Diploma of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and methods of vocational education). End date: 2018
Research interests: methods of teaching a foreign language, modern methods of teaching foreign languages, innovative technologies in the study of foreign languages in a non-language higher education institution, the role of the teacher in the formation of future professionals, the image of a foreign language teacher
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Second foreign language
● Foreign language for professional purposes
● Foreign language of professional communication
● Foreign language of international business
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 28, of which – 6 individual articles in leading professional publications of Ukraine, registered in international catalogs of periodicals and included in international scientometric databases; 2 articles in foreign scientific branch publications; 1 article in a scientific publication of Ukraine; 9 educational and methodical editions (textbooks, reference and thematic editions, dictionaries, phrasebooks, methodical recommendations for students), 10 abstracts in collections of materials of scientific and practical conferences.
Main publications:
1. Prus NO Positive image of a foreign language teacher – the key to professional success. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies: sciences. magazine . Sumy: Sum. DPU them. AS Makarenko, 2016. № 10. pp. 155-162.
2. Prus NO Dynamics of the image of the teacher over the centuries. A young scientist. 2016. № 2 (29). Pp. 333-337.
3. Prus N. Assessment criteria of image of foreign language teacher. European Applied Science. Stuttgart: ORT Publishing, 2017 (June). № 3. pp. 36-37.
4. Prus N. Les particularités de l’image personnelle. International Scientific and Practical Conference “WORLDScience” .Dubai, 2017. №7 (23). pp. 37-39.
5. Foreign language in the profile direction (electronic resource): texts and practical tasks for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) level / way. N. O. Prus. – Kharkiv: KhNEU named after S. Kuznets, 2018. – 48 p.
Other professional activities:
Internship abroad.
Participation in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and methodical seminars.
Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Spanish.
Participation in the regional student competitions in Spanish.
Member of the regional expert group for setting the threshold “passed / failed” in Spanish to determine the results of the EIT.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
ORCID: 0000-0001-7762-539X
Lamaashi Mohammed

Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Morocco
Alma mater : Kharkiv Aviation Institute. Completion date: 1997
Qualification: Master of Technical Sciences.
Specialty: biotechnical and medical devices and systems.
S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.
End date: 2017
Qualification: master’s degree.
Specialty: higher school pedagogy.
Research interests: Business French, methods of teaching foreign languages (French).
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language
● Foreign language for professional purposes (French)
● Practice of oral and written speech ”(French)
● Intercultural communication (French)
The total number of scientific and methodical works, including 8 articles published in scientific journals, 2 educational and methodical publications, 4 abstracts of conferences, 1 dictionary.
Main publications:
1. Lamaashi M., Prosyanik AP Collection of problems in the discipline “Foreign language” 3-41 (French) for students of the direction of training 6.030601 “Management” of full-time education / composed by M. Lamaashi, AP The beggar. – Kharkiv: KhNEU. S. Kuznetsa, 2016. – 44 p. (Ukrainian language, French language)
2. Lamaashi M. Russian and Arabic cases: typological similarities / Lamaashi M., Bezkorovaynaya LS // Proceedings of the international student scientific-practical conference “Language personality in a multicultural world”: Kharkiv, April 23, 2015. – Kharkiv: KhNADU, 2015. – 422p.
3. Borovaya TA, Lamaashi M. Effective methods of activating pedagogical interaction in the process of studying the French language by students of ZVO / Borovaya TA, Lamaashi M. // Second International French Colloquium in Ukraine “LANGUAGE, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”: Abstracts, Dnipro, October 3-4, 2018 – Dnipro: State Higher Educational Institution “Dnieper State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, LLC “Accent PE”, 2018 – P. 30-32.
4. Pylaeva TV, Lamaashi M. Theoretical aspects of the concept of “distance education” / TV Pylaeva, M. Lamaashi // Economic development and heritage of Semyon Kuznets: mater. international scientific and practical. conf., May 31 – June 1, 2018: theses add. – М .: ХНЭУ им. S. Kuznets, 2018. – P. 326-327.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Tikhonov Sergey Georgievich

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans. End date: 2001
Qualification: specialist in pedagogical education, teacher of French and English.
Kharkiv Regional Scientific Library, 2004
S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.
End date: 2018
K valifikatsiya : bachelor, discipline “Practice oral and written language”,
master’s degree, discipline “French language”.
Research interests: Methods of teaching foreign languages
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Second foreign language
● Business Foreign Language 1 (French)
● Practice of oral and written foreign speech (French)
● Business foreign language
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Tsypina Diana Saveliyivna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Academy of Municipal Economy. End date: 1998
Specialty: Management of non-productive sphere.
Kharkiv State Pedagogical University
them. GS Frying pans. Completion date: 2003
Specialty: German language and literature.
Kharkiv National University of Economics named after S. Kuznets, postgraduate studies in the specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and methods of vocational education. End date: 2015
Research interests: rhetoric, methods of teaching German
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Second foreign language
● Foreign language for professional purposes
● Intercultural communication in international business
● Foreign language of the second
● Foreign language of international business
● Foreign language of professional communication and business correspondence in international business
Total number of scientific and methodical works: more than 30.
Main publications:
1. The use of a situational approach to the formation of communicative skills of future managers // Modern problems of enterprise management: theory and practice – materials of the international scientific-practical conference, Kharkiv, March 18-19, 2019. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov AP, 2019. – P. 280–282.
2. Development of skills of reasoned speech of future specialists in economics in foreign language classes // Abstracts of the interuniversity scientific-practical seminar “foreign language communicative competence in professional activities” – Kharkiv: Yaroslav the Wise National University of Law, 2018. – P. 104-108 .
3. Didactic means of formation of polylogical speech of future specialists in economics by means of a foreign language // Scientific notes / Ed. Col .: VF Cherkasov, VV Radul, NS Savchenko and others. – Issue 167 – Series: Pedagogical Sciences. – Kropyvnytskyi: RVV TsDPU im. V. Vinnichenko, 2018. – P. 96 – 99.
4. Formation of discursive competence of future managers: linguistic aspect // Scientific works of the higher educational institution “Donetsk National Technical University” Series: “Pedagogy, psychology and sociology”. – Pokrovsk, 2017. – Issue. 1 (20). – P. 112–117.
5. Experimental study of the effectiveness of pedagogical technology of formation of rhetorical competence of future managers // Bulletin of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko. Series: Pedagogical sciences: coll. Science. pr. – Chernihiv: ChNPU named after Taras Shevchenko, 2015. – Vip. 124. – P. 238–240.
6. Substantiation of the model of rhetorical competence formation of the future masters in management / D.Tsypina // Young scientist: monthly. scientific magazine. – Kazan, 2015. – № 6 (86). – P. 716–718.
7. Formation of rhetorical competence of future managers in the conditions of master’s preparation as a pedagogical problem // Collection of scientific works of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna. – Uman: FOP Zhovtiy OO, 2014. – Ch.2. – P. 411–416.
8. Conceptual principles of pedagogical research of formation of rhetorical competence of future managers Psychological and pedagogical problems of formation of the modern expert: coll. Science. Art., materials between the people. scientific-practical conf., June 11-12, 2014 / Har. nat. economy. un-t. – H .: KhNEU; HOGOKZ, 2014. – P. 345-348.
Other professional activities:
Coordinator of the academic mobility program KA107 ERASMUS + with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Friedrich Alexander
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Leshchinska Aurika Viktorivna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky, Faculty of Foreign Languages. End date: 1995
Specialty: German language and literature,
Qualification: philologist, teacher of German language and literature, English.
Research interests: methods of teaching German, interactive teaching methods. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of differential learning of foreign languages.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language of professional communication
● Practice of oral and written foreign speech
● Foreign language (German)
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 6 educational and methodical manuals.
Main publications :
- Svitova OO, Leshchinskaya AV The use of modern teaching technologies in foreign language education. Modern problems of enterprise management: theory and practice – materials of the international scientific-practical conference, Kharkiv, March 29-30, 2018 – Kharkiv: Publisher FOP Mezina, 2018 – P.310-311
- Leshchinskaya AV Substantivizing as an object of study in modern linguistics / AV . Leszczynska // Zbior artykulow naukowych. International Scientific and Practical Conference. “Science, research, development. 2019.
- Leshchinska AV Professional communication as a communicative interaction of future economic specialists. / An international Journal Herald pedagogiki. Science and Practice # 54 (04/2020)
- O. Honcharova, A. Leshchinska “History of intercultural approach in educational practice in the context of learning and teaching foreign languages” materials of the V scientific-practical conference “Economic development and heritage of Semyon Kuznets” / abstracts, November 26-27, 2020.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Lukashova Lyudmila Vasylivna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State University
them. О.М.Горького. End date: 1976
Specialty: German language and literature.
Qualification: philologist, teacher of German language and literature.
Central Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Specialists of the National Economy in the Field of Patent Work in Patent Studies, Moscow, 1983
Research interests: methods of teaching foreign languages, interactive teaching methods, use of project activities in the educational process.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for professional purposes
● Business foreign language
● Foreign language (second)
Total number of scientific and methodical works: has 25 publications, including 12 methodical collections, 1 manual in German, scientific articles and abstracts, translates information for the university website, participated in the preparation of 4 working curricula, underwent internships abroad, participated in international seminars and conferences.
Main publications:
1. Features of working with the text in classes on business foreign language / LV Lukashova // Current issues of education and science: collection. Science. Art., materials IV International. scientific-practical conf., November 10-11, 2016 / KhNEU named after S. Kuznets. – HOGOKZ, 2016.- p.251-255.
2. Foreign language for professional purposes. Texts and practical tasks for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) level [Electronic resource] / incl. L.V. Lukashova, DS Tsypina – H .: KhNEU them. S. Kuznets, 2017 – 62p.
3. Lukashova LV, Mikhailova LZ The method of projects in the study of a foreign language as a means of forming intercultural communication in the training of managers. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of enterprise management: theory and practice”, Kharkiv2019. Pp. 305-308.
4. Kolbina TV, Lukashova LV Diagnosis of the formation of the experience of intercultural communication in the process of foreign language training. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical seminar “Innovations and traditions in language training of students” KhNUBA. – Kh .: Ivanchenko Publishing House IS, 2018. P. 127-131.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Goncharova Oksana Mykolayivna
Postgraduate student, lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: – HISP. Completion date: 2003
Specialty: language and literature (English, French).
Qualification: philologist.
Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. End date: 2006
Specialty: Language and Literature (English).
Qualification: philologist, teacher of English language and literature, translator of English language.
TRIS Translation Center, School of Simultaneous Interpretation. Qualification: English translator (consecutive translation), 2012
Research interests: methods of teaching a foreign language, business English, modern methods of teaching a foreign language, innovative technologies in the study of a foreign language in a non-language higher education institution, scientific and technical translation.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 7
Main publications:
1. Interactive methods in teaching a foreign language. – Current issues of education and science: Coll., materials IV International. Science. – practice. conf., Oct. 10-11. 2016 Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. – H.: HOGOKZ, 2016. s. 82-87
2. Motivation of students in learning English. Goncharova OM Motivation of students in the study of English / O.M. Goncharova // NOWYSPOSUBROZWOJUPEDAGOGIKA Poznan (PL). – 2017. – P. 155-166.
3. Some aspects of the formation of professional culture of future teachers of higher education institutions. – Kharkiv: Adaptive Management: Theory and Practice. – Series “Pedagogy”, № 5 (9), 2018. – Electronic scientific professional publication – Access mode: [].
1. Modern problems of enterprise management: theory and practice., Materials intern. Science. – practice. conf., March 30-31, 2017 Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. – H.: HOGOKZ, 2017 s. 355-357
2. Modern problems of enterprise management: theory and practice., Materials intern. Science. – practice. Conf., March 29-30, 2018. Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. – H.: HOGOKZ, 2018. s. 294-296
3. Annual International Scientific Conference “Economic Development and Legacy by SimonKuznets”., 31 May – 01 June 2018
4. Modern problems of enterprise management: theory and practice., Materials intern. Science. – practice. Conf., March 18-19, 2019. Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. – H.: HOGOKZ, 2019. s. 300-302
Other professional activities:
She took the BEC (Vantage) course and received the B2 certificate in 2016.
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
ORCID : 0000-0002-1000-9670
Kartseva Marina Dmitrievna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky. End date: 1983
Qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian as a foreign language, teacher of Russian language and literature.
Research interests: intercultural communication, problems of communication psychology, modern methods of teaching foreign languages.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 72 publications, of which 2 – textbooks, 50 articles, of which 2 – in foreign publications, 2 articles – in professional publications of Ukraine, 2 articles – in a publication that is referenced in scientific and metric databases.
Main publications:
1. Problems of art in the works of V. Kaverin “The Artist is Unknown” and K. Fedin “Brothers” (some aspects) / MD Kartseva / Bulletin of KSU. Philological series. – №353 – Kharkiv: KSU, 1990. – P. 34-39
2. Intercultural communication as an integral component of the learning process of foreign students / MD Kartseva / Teaching foreign languages in the context of internationalization of education: materials of the international scientific-practical conference (Minsk, February 1-2, 2013). – Minsk: BSEU, 2012. – P. 58-60.
3. Bilingual education of foreign students / MD Kartseva,
BUT. Bilyk / Scientific Notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series “Philological”: a collection of scientific papers. – Ostrog: Publishing House of the National University “Ostroh Academy”, 2017. – Issue. 66. – P.46-49.
4. Reserves for activating language training of foreign students /
MD Kartseva, NO Bilyk / Scientific notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series “Philological”: a scientific journal. – Ostrog: NaUOA Publishing House, 2018 – Vip. 2 (70). – P.87-89 :
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
E-mail: , md
Google Scholar:
DOI: 10.25264 / 2519-2558-2017-66-3-6
DOI: 10.25264 / 2519-2558-2018-2 (70) -87-89
Sotsenko Natalia Fyodorovna
Candidate of Philological Sciences
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky. End date: 1983
Qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature.
Research interests: Methods of teaching foreign languages, interactive teaching methods, use of project activities in the educational process.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for professional purposes
● Fundamentals of scientific speech
● Genres of scientific style
● Basics of business communication
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 37, among them: 2 textbooks, 27 articles. She did an internship in Poland.
Main publications:
1. Sotsenko NF Literature lessons: 9th grade. Materials for teachers / N.F. Sotsenko. – Kharkiv: Izd-vo Ranok, 2002. – 209 p.
2. Sotsenko NF Intertextual and intermedia incorporations in the text of the story “Walk with pleasure and not without morality” TG Shevchenko / NF Sotsenko. – Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin. – 2013. – № 1078. – Philology series. – Vip. 68. – P. 100–104.
3. Sotsenko NF Ekfrasis in the story of Taras Shevchenko “Walk with pleasure and not without morality” / NF Sotsenko. Sotsenko. – Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin. – 2014. – № 1127. – Philology series. – Vip. 71. – P. 166–172.
4. Sotsenko NF Language as a means of identifying the author’s intention in the novel by M. Khvylovy “Cat in boots” / NF Sotsenko. Sotsenko. – Scientific notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series “Philological”: Coll. Science. wash. – Ostrog, 2015. – Vip. 52. – P. 241–243.
5. Sotsenko NF Intertextual connections in B. Akunin’s novel “Diamond Chariot” and AI Kuprin’s short story “Staff Captain Rybnikov” / NF Sotsenko. Sotsenko. – International Scientific Conference “Traditions and Innovation in Philological Research” .– Balti, 2016. –T 1.– P. 189 – 193
6. Sotsenko NF Refraction of some thoughts AA Potebny in the theory of poetics of intertextuality (on the material of the article “Psychology of poetic and prose thinking”, 1910) / NF Sotsenko. Sotsenko. – Russian philology. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. G.S. Frying pans. – Kharkiv, 2016. – № 4 (59). – P. 15–20
7. Sotsenko NF Word-forming characteristics of derived verbs on the material of the story “Jamil” by Chingiz Aitmatov / NF Sotsenko. – Scientific notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series “Philological”: a collection of scientific works / compilers: IV Kovalchuk, LM Kotsyuk. – Ostrog: Publishing House of the National University “Ostroh Academy”, 2016. – Issue. 62. S. 310–313.
8. Sotsenko NF Russian language for economists: textbook. manual for practical classes and independent work / N.F. Sotsenko. – Kharkiv: B. i., 2016. – 887 p.
9. Sotsenko NF Fundamentals of scientific speech in educational activities: textbook. manual for foreign students of the second year of all specialties / NF Sotsenko. – Kharkiv: KhNEU. S. Kuznets, 2018. – 268 p.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (067) 130-24-46 (add. 3-51)
ORCID ID : 0000-0001-7063-7515
Mykhailyuk Natalia Volodymyrivna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans.
Completion date: 1997
Qualification: specialist, teacher of Russian language and literature, French.
Research interests: Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, interactive teaching methods, the use of project activities in the educational process.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 12, among them: 1 textbook, 2 articles, 9 abstracts of conferences.
Main publications:
1. Михайлюк Н.В. Organization of independent work of students in learning French // Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference of teachers of higher educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation of Kharkiv region “Improvement of foreign language teaching as a guarantee of quality training of junior specialists and their competitiveness in the labor market.” Kharkiv, 2014 – P. 110 -112.
2. Михайлюк Н.В. Training manual. French language Collection of texts for reading (students-pharmacists) Mykhailyuk NV Kharkiv, 2014 – 64 p.
3. Михайлюк Н.В. The use of authentic texts in the study of French as one of the ways to improve the educational and methodological process of teaching a foreign language // Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Current issues of training future pharmaceutical and medical professionals in modern education” Zhytomyr, 2016 – P. 170-172.
4. Михайлюк Н.В. The experience of national-patriotic education in the dormitory of the College of NUPh // Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Current issues of national-patriotic education of children and youth: experience and problems” November 1-2, 2016, Zaporozhye, 2016 – P. 93-97.
5. Михайлюк Н.В. The use of digital film slides at the initial stage of RCT training as one of the types of multimedia presentation // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Problems of teaching Russian scientific vocabulary to foreign students” Kharkiv, 2017 – P. 134-136.
6. Михайлюк Н.В. History of the parish school at the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky // Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Kharkiv Bishops’ Council in 1992 Kharkiv, 2017 – P. 104 – 108.
7. Михайлюк Н.В. Love of neighbor in the work of AI Kuprina // Proceedings of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Theology and History of the Church” (to the 1900th anniversary of the presentation of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian) (98-117) Kharkiv, 2019 – P. 240 – 242.
8. Михайлюк Н.В. Peculiarities of training future banking specialists for professional interaction with clients // Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical University named after MP Драгоманова. Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and prospects. – Issue 66. – Kyiv, 2019. – P.138-141
9. Михайлюк Н.В. Business communication as an integral part of professional activity of future specialists in the economic field // Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation. Innovative pedagogy. Scientific journal. – Issue 10. Volume 2. – Odessa, 2019. P.146-148.
10. Михайлюк Н.В. Professional culture of a specialist // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic Development and Heritage of Semkna Kuznets” May 30-31, 2019, – Kharkiv, 2019. – P. 366-367.
11. Михайлюк Н.В. Formation of professional culture of the future bachelor of banking // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern pedagogy and psychology: promising and priority areas of research” Kyiv, 2019. – P. 89 – 92.
12. Михайлюк Н.В. The value of the concept of “bachelor” as one of the levels of higher education // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Priority areas for solving pressing problems of education” Kharkiv – 2019. – P. 80 – 83.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (067) 130-24-46 (add. 3-51)
Balasanyan Olena Dmytrivna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans. Completion date: 2003
Specialty: Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Language and literature (Russian).
K valifikatsiya : teacher of Russian language and literature.
Kharkiv National Pedagogical
University GS Frying pans. End date: 2008
Specialty: pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Ukrainian language and literature. English.
K valifikatsiya : teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, English.
Research interests: Modern methods of teaching foreign languages, intercultural communication, creative technologies and game techniques in teaching a foreign language.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department
● Foreign language 1
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 12 publications in Ukrainian and foreign publications, including 6 conference abstracts, 1 working program.
Main publications:
1. Information technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language / ED Balasanyan // Innovations and traditions in teaching Russian at university and school: materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture. – H., 2014. – p.10-12.
2. Modern technologies in the practice of teaching foreign languages / OD Balasanyan // Historical, philosophical, linguistic and methodological trends in modern education: materials of the III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students (April 7-8, 2016, m. Kharkiv), H. -, 2016., p.94 – 96.
3 .. The use of the case method as a modern technology in the practice of teaching a foreign language / OD Balasanyan // Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference “Modern Ukrainian Studies: scientific paradigms of language, history. philosophy “: a collection of articles / For general. ed. Cand. philol. Sciences, Prof. O.S. Cheremskaya, Dr. philosopher. Sciences, Prof. .. OM Kuzya. – H .: Publisher Ivanchenko IS, 2016., p. 266-272.
4. Motivational elements of the learning process for the lesson RKI / OD Balasanyan // Actual problems of modern philology and methods of teaching languages in universities: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference (April 6, 2018, Kharkiv). – H .: FOP Brovin OV, 2018. – p.151-153.
5. Language portfolio as means of self-control and self-assessment / Balasanian OD // Theory and practice of oriented learning of foreign languages (Electronic resource): materials of the XI International scientific-practical conference, Minsk, May 10-12, 2018 / editor. NS Kukharenko (ed.), NA Kruglik. – Minsk: International. MITSO University, 2018. – p.126-130.
6. Creative Technologies in Modern Education / Balasanian OD, Herasymenko EM // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economic Development and Heritage of Semyon Kuznets”: abstracts, May 30-31, 2019 – Kharkiv: DISA PLUS, 2019. – C 291-293.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Advanced training at the Central Institute of Postgraduate Education of the University of Education Management at the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in the field of “Creative Practices in Education”, 2019
Supervisor of scientific work of foreign students 2017, 2018,2019 academic year
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Gerasimenko Elvira Nikolaevna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: Kharkiv State University. V.N. Karazina. End date: 1999
Specialty: Russian language and literature.
Qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature.
Research interests: Modern learning technologies and their use in language teaching, linguistic analysis of the text, gender linguistics.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department.
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 34, among them: 2 manuals, 1 working program for 1 course and 2 educational programs for miners, 25 articles, 4 abstracts of conferences.
Main publications:
1. Gerasimenko EN Detective text as an object of philological research // Scientific notes of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. G.S. Frying pans. Literary Studies Series. – Kharkiv, 2013. – Issue. 3 (75) – Part one. – P. 39-51.
2. Gerasimenko EN Gender aspect in intercultural communication // Dialogue of cultures as a means of learning about the world, the path to mutual understanding: a collection of articles of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists. – Kharkiv: KhNUBA, 2014. – P. 22-26.
3. Gerasimenko EN Communicative approach in teaching the language of the specialty // Teaching languages in higher education at the present stage. Interdisciplinary links: Collection of scientific works. – Kharkiv: KhNU. V.N. Karazina, 2015. – № 26. – P. 42-45.
4. Gerasimenko EN Technology of interactive learning in classes on RKI // Modern Ukrainian Studies: scientific paradigms of language, history, philosophy: a collection of articles V int. scientific conference. – H., 2016. – P. 284-290.
5. Gerasimenko EM, The use of Internet resources in foreign language teaching // Problems and prospects of language training of foreign students: Sat. materials of the XII International scientific-practical conference (October 12-13, 2017). – Kharkiv: KhNADU, 2017. – P. 286 – 291.
6. Herasymenko E. THE ROLE OF SELF-CONTROL IN THE PROCESS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING // Theory and practice of professionally oriented foreign language learning. Sat. Art. on the materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, May 10-12, 2018 / editor. EM Dubrovchenko (ed.), NA Kruglik. – Minsk: International. MITSO University, 2018 – P. 139-143.
7. Herasymenko E. THE USE OF THE QUEST TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FORMATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS // Uluslararasi Kultur Ve Bilim Kongresi: Ozet Metin Kitabi. 3-5 Mayis 2019. – Turkiye / Ankara: Ufuk Universitesi, 2019 – S. 239-240.
Other professional activities:
Participant of more than 35 international and national scientific-practical conferences on linguistics and methods of language teaching in universities.
Advanced training at the Central Institute of Postgraduate Education of the University of Education Management at the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in the field of “Creative Practices in Education”, 2019.
Supervisor of scientific work of foreign students 2017, 2018,2019 academic year
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Google Schlar:
Kovaleva Kaleria Leontievna
Candidate of Philological Sciences
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans. End date: 2008
Specialty: pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Language and literature (Russian). Qualification: teacher of Russian language and foreign literature.
Research interests: Modern learning technologies and their use in language teaching, linguistic analysis of the text, communicative-pragmatic aspect.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department.
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 30 among them: 2 manuals, 1 working program for 1 course and 2 training programs for miners, 25 articles, 3 conference abstracts.
Main publications:
1. Kovaleva KL Portrait descriptions of Staff Captain Rybnikov in B. Akunin’s novel “Diamond Chariot” as a reflection of the internal dialogic nature of the text. Scientific works of Kamyanets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko: Philological Sciences. Issue 33 – Kamyanets-Podilsky: Axiom, 2013. – P. 141 – 144.
2. Kovaleva KL Quote as a means of creating intertextual dialogicity of B. Akunin’s novel “Diamond Chariot”. Scientific notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series “Philological”: Coll. scientific works / incl .: IV Kovalchuk, LM Kotsyuk. – Jail: View. National University “Ostroh Academy”, 2015. – Issue. 58. – P. 99 – 102
3. Kovaleva KL Shishkina V. Yu. Dialogic relations in B. Akunin’s novel “Diamond Chariot”. Russian philology. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans. – Kharkiv, 2016. – № 4 (59). – 64 p. – P. 32-37. (0.6 um.dr.ark. / 0.3 um. Dr.ark. – own contribution).
4. Kovaleva KL Allusion-symbol as a manifestation of interdiscursive relations in B. Akunin’s novel “Diamond Chariot”. Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. – Kielce: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2017. – №25. – R. 43-48.
5. Kovaleva KL Academic integrity is the foundation of success. Academic integrity: challenges of the present / Collection of scientific essays of participants of scientific internship for educators (Republic of Poland, Warsaw, 5 – 17.11.2018). – Warsaw, 2018. – P. 144 – 146.
6. Kovalova K. The use of the quest technology for the formation of foreign language competence of students // Uluslararasi Kultur Ve Bilim Kongresi: Ozet Metin Kitabi. 3-5 Mayis 2019. – Turkiye / Ankara: Ufuk Universitesi, 2019 – P. 239-240.
Other professional activities:
Member of the expert working group of the Subcommittee №304 Training of foreign students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 2017 to the present.
Participant of more than 25 international and all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences on linguistics and methods of teaching languages in universities.
Supervisor of scientific work of foreign students 2017, 2018, 2019 academic year (available publications in collections).
In November 2018, she underwent a research internship at the Theological Academy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland) in order to get acquainted with European approaches to the issue of scientific plagiarism.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Google Schlar:
Nekrylova Olena Leonidivna
Candidate of Philological Sciences
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater: State Pedagogical Institute (Borisoglebsk). Completion date: 1990
Qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. Honors degree.
Research interests: Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, testing and problems of intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics, modern Russian, grammar of the Russian language.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department.
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 40, of which 35 articles, 4 methodical recommendations, Work program on regional studies. She has participated and made reports at 16 international scientific and practical conferences.
Main publications:
1. Nekrylova EL On the elemental compensation for the loss of transitivity of Russian verbs by their prefixation: cognitive-evolutionary aspect / EL Nekrylova // Bulletin of the University of Dnepropetrovsk. Linguistics series. – 2017. – T. 25. – № 11. – Vip. 23 (1). – P. 99-105.
2. Nekrylova EL Transformation of the object of verb action as a universal criterion of transition / EL Nekrylova // Scientific Bulletin of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. Series: “Philological Sciences” (linguistics): Collection of scientific works. – № 7. – Drogobich, 2017. – P. 124-129.
3. Nekrylova EL On the fundamental compatibility of cognitive-evolutionary and possibilistic approaches in the study of trends in the loss and acquisition of transitions by Russian verbs / EL Nekrylova // Bulletin of the VN Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: “Philology”. – №76. – Kharkiv, 2017. – P. 368-374.
4. Nekrylova EL On the modern tendency of transitivity of Russian verbs: on the example of forms formed from return by cutting off the postfix / EL Nekrylova // Russian Philology. Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Skovoroda. Kharkiv, 2017. №3 (62). – P. 26-32.
5. Nekrylova EL Projective linguistics of MN Epstein as a consequence of the philosophy of possibilism created by him: the project of restoration and development of transitivity of Russian verbs / EL Nekrylova // Linguistics. Linguoculturology: Coll. Science. пр. – Дніпро: Акцент ПП, 2017. – Т. 11. – С. 85-96.
6. Nekrylova EL Language game and language tendency: conceptual correlation (on the example of modern transitivity of Russian intransitive verbs / EL Nekrylova // Traektoriya Nauki = Path of Science: International Electronic Scientific Journal. – 2017. – Vol. 3 – № 10. – P. 4001-4005 – Access mode: index.php / ps / article / view / 398/441
Other professional activities:
In 2018/2109, as part of the academic mobility of research and teaching staff, she taught Russian language and literature at the Institute of Foreign Languages of Northwestern University (Lanzhou, China). He has received an award from the provincial government as “a foreigner who has made a significant contribution to the development of Gansu Province.”
Constantly participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars. Member of the Ukrainian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (UAPRYAL)
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Email: el.nekrylova @
Shkorina Inna Markivna
Candidate of Philological Sciences
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State University named after OM Gorky. End date: 1998
Qualification: specialist, philologist, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature.
Research interests: methods of teaching foreign languages, the use of test tasks in the educational process, national-linguistic pictures of the world, the phenomenon of multilingualism.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Foreign language of academic and professional communication
● Fundamentals of scientific speech
● Foreign language (for professional purposes)
● Fundamentals of scientific speech in educational activities
● Foreign language for students of the preparatory department
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 49, among them: 32 articles, 8 abstracts of conferences, 2 methodical recommendations.
Main publications:
1. Shkorina IM National-linguistic picture of the world in the educational context // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin. – № 1127. – Series: Philology. – Vip. 71. – 2014. – P. 72–76.
2. Shkorina IM The phenomenon of mixing languages in the paradigm of the national-linguistic picture of the world // Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. – Vol. 23. – № 11. – Series: Linguistics. – Vip. 21 (2). – Dnipropetrovsk: Oles Honchar National University, 2015. – P. 155–160.
3. Shkorina IM Problems of multilingualism in the era of globalization processes // IV International Scientific Conference “Language and Literature in the context of intercultural communication”: Proceedings of the scientific conference. – Yerevan: Arman Asmangulyan, 2016. – P. 227–235.
4. Shkorina IM The use of test tasks in teaching Russian and Ukrainian as foreign languages in the system of higher education // Perspective guidelines for linguistic and philosophical science of the XXI century: materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference (with international participation), May 25-26, 2018 г. / сост. K. Shadmanov. – Bukhara: Durdona, 2018. – P. 146–152.
5. Shkorina IM Stylistic syncretism of Oleksa Slisarenko’s novel “Black Angel” // Current scientific research in the modern world. – PereyaslavKhmelnitsky, 2019. – Issue. 4 (48), Part 6 – pp. 117-124.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Email: ,
Google Scholar:
Dragan Oksana Anatoliyivna
Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans.
End date: 2004
Qualification: specialist, teacher of Russian language and literature.
Kharkiv National Pedagogical
University GS Frying pans.
End date: 2006
Qualification: specialist, teacher of English language and literature.
Research interests: literary studies, intertext, information format of RNAI teaching
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● Fundamentals of scientific speech in educational activities
● Foreign language for professional purposes
Total number of scientific and methodical works: 18, among them: 11 articles, 7 abstracts of conferences . Passed an internship .
Main publications:
1. Prose by L. Martynov (to the question) Scientific notes of KhNPU. Skovoroda – Series of Literary Studies. – Issue 3 (59) – Part 3 – Kharkiv, 2009. P.125-140
2. Features of the chronotope in L. Martynov’s autobiographical book “Air Frigates” Language and Culture. Scientific publication – Issue 14 – Vol. I (147) – Kyiv, 2011S.316-324
3. Features of the cyclization of autobiographical works by L. Martynov Russian philology. Bulletin of KhNPU named after Skovoroda. Linguistics. Literary Studies. Methods of teaching Russian language and literature – -43-4 (45) – Kharkiv, 2011S.69-76
4. Lexical and semantic organization of L. Martynov’s autobiographical book “Air Frigates”
Russian language and literature: problems of study and teaching in school and university.2011 – VIInternational scientific-practical conference. – Kyiv, 2011 P.438-442
5. Information format of RNAI teaching: linguistic-methodical potential of the text and infocommunication technologies Teaching languages in higher educational institutions at the present stage. Interdisciplinary links. Collection of articles of the XXII International Scientific Conference – Khmelnytsky National University named after V. Karazin, – Kharkiv, 2018P.43-46.
Other professional activities:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-51)
Email: ,
Anna Vasylivna lived
Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Citizenship: Ukraine
Alma mater : Kharkiv State Pedagogical University. GS Frying pans.
End date: 2001
Specialty : pedagogy and methods of secondary education. French.
Qualification : French teacher.
UNIVERSITY OF PARIS 3 NEW Sorbonne. End date: 2015
Master’s degree in arts, philology, languages, marked didactics of language teaching, specialty methods of teaching French as a foreign / second and other world languages.
Research interests: didactics of teaching foreign languages, interactive teaching methods.
Educational work (teaching discipline ):
● In-depth study of a foreign language in the specialty
● Second foreign language: beginner level
● Foreign language of professional communication
● Second foreign language
● Foreign language 1
The total number of scientific and methodical works: 3.
She did an internship abroad.
Main publications:
1. Жила Г.В. “Factors that affect student performance.” Strategic directions of science development: factors of influence and interaction: materials of the international scientific conference (Vol. 4), May 22, 2020. Sumy, Ukraine: ICSD. Pp. 49-51.
2. Жила Г.В. “Digital technologies and foreign language teaching”. Strategic directions of science development: factors of influence and interaction: materials of the international scientific conference (Vol. 4), May 22, 2020. Sumy, Ukraine: ICSD. Pp. 52-53.
3. Жила Г.В. “Phonetics, Literature and Teaching French”. International scientific electronic journal “GO”. ONLINE №10 June, 2020.
URL: https: //
Other professional activities:
Deputy Head of the Center for University Success (University Agency of Francophonie) KhNEU. S. Kuznets. Aud.403a, BC.
Facebook page:
Participates in International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.
Contacts, additional information:
ave. Sciences 9-A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
1 building, room 409
Tel. + 38 (057) 702-18-32 (add. 3-83)