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ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling

The mission of the department is to form analytical and professional competencies in students of the first (bachelor’s) educational level of all specialties of the university, as well as to implement continuous mathematical training of applicants of the second (master’s) and third (educational and scientific) levels.

The main goal of teaching mathematical disciplines is to develop mathematical and logical thinking in students, prepare them for the study of special disciplines that require the use of mathematical tools, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to solve real problems of economics and management.

Disciplines of the first (bachelor’s) level:

Depending on the specialty, students study such disciplines of mathematical direction as: Higher mathematics; Higher and applied mathematics; Applied mathematics; Mathematical analysis and linear algebra; Discrete mathematics; Numerical methods; Quantitative methods; Probability theory and mathematical statistics; Operations research and optimization methods; Economic and mathematical methods and models; Econometrics; Logic.

Disciplines taught to applicants of the third (educational and scientific) level:

Within the framework of the concept of continuous mathematical training, the department teaches applied mathematical disciplines for postgraduate students, namely: Measurements and models of global economic development; Analysis of socio-economic data.

Head of the department: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Malyarets Lyudmila Mykhailivna

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